Pick up

Pick Up

It  possible to request a pick-up service from and to the airports of Fiumicino and Ciampino.
The prices are:
50 € x 1 - 2 - 3 persons 
60 € x 4 persons
70 € x 5 - 6 persons
80 € x 7 - 8 persons

There will be a price increase for  night service from 23.00 to 07.30

The request must also specify: 
surname and name - airport name
flight number - arrival time - flight company name
mobile phone number
For stays longer than 6 nights the pick up service from the airport to the Guest House (one way) will be offered by Federici Guest House *
 Federici Guest House Special Offer

 *Offer reserved exclusively for reservations made directly with the Federici Guest House;
are not valid for this offer reservations made by any other method (eg on other sites, agencies or intermediaries in general)

Federici Guest House 2025 - P. Iva: 09746291005 - CIN: IT058091B48THK7FVF Powered by Nts Web Area

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